Credit: HPCWire: Link – NCSA Article
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) was recently awarded $4.9 million of supplemental funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) for Delta and an additional $4.9 million for DeltaAI to expand the potential capabilities of the soon-to-launch system by nearly 50 percent.
NCSA originally received nearly $25 million from NSF in 2023 to deploy and operate DeltaAI, an advanced computing and data resource that will be a companion system to Delta. DeltaAI will triple NCSA’s AI-focused computing capacity and greatly expand the capacity available within the NSF-funded advanced computing ecosystem.
A majority of the first round of the recently announced National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot projects will utilize allocations on Delta. The supplemental Delta funding will provide additional large GPU memory nodes for research with AI models requiring more than a terabyte of GPU memory.
“This significant new capability will be highly appreciated in the AI community to support the development and training of novel models for science and engineering,” said Volodymyr Kindratenko, director of the Center for AI Innovation at NCSA and a co-principal investigator on the DeltaAI grant. “The system will allow us to routinely work with models with hundreds of billions of parameters, a capability that is currently not available to most academic AI researchers. This addition will have a profound impact on our community.”
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