The National Center for Supercomputing Applications was recognized for its outstanding achievements in three different domains in the annual HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards announced at Supercomputing Conference 2022 (SC22) in Dallas on Nov. 14. It’s the 12th consecutive year NCSA has been honored with an HPCwire award. Two of these winners are directly linked to CIII.
Editors’ Choice: Workforce Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Award.
The Center for Artificial Intelligence Innovation at NCSA’s “Future of Discovery: Training Students to Build and Apply Open Source Machine Learning Models and Tools” is an NSF-funded summer program that provides a 10-week training experience. The REU-FoDOMMat program works with minority-serving institutions to provide research opportunities and hands-on experience to undergrads.
Readers’ Choice: Best Use of High Performance Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence.
Scientists from Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago, NCSA and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) introduced a novel set of practical, concise and measurable FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles for AI models. The project leveraged Nvidia A100 GPUs, Nvidia TensorRT, Docker, Apptainer (formerly Singularity) and the SambaNova DataScale system.
NCSA SPIN students Nikil Ravi and Pranshu Chaturvedi (who are now at Argonne National Laboratories) are the lead authors of the paper, “FAIR principles for AI models with a practical application for accelerated high energy diffraction microscopy“, based on this research.
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