REU FoDoMMaT students, mentors and program administrators standing in front of NCSA’s plaque celebrating the creation of Mosaic. Photo credit: Priyam Mazumdar, REU graduate research mentor
At NCSA, important research is being done every day. Everything from working towards better cancer treatments to studying supernovae is included in NCSA’s portfolio of research projects. But NCSA doesn’t stop there. The Center also wants to help train and inspire future researchers. Through our many undergraduate student research opportunities, NCSA offers hands-on time with ongoing research with experts in their fields. The NCSA-funded Students Pushing Innovation (SPIN) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) -funded Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) programs both provide a one-of-a-kind experience for students interested in careers in research. By embedding REU and SPIN students in the projects, the students learn how research is conducted while working toward a research goal.
To Read More: Undergraduate Researchers in Action