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CAII students presented at the 2nd NCSA Student Research Symposium

This is where NCSA takes the opportunity to showcase the research conducted by students at NCSA and UIUC. This conference also presents an opportunity to network with NCSA researchers, faculty affiliates and industry partners.

NCSA students and UIUC students whose research is closely aligned with NCSA research areas of interest give lightning talks, present posters and/or organize a workshop sessions.

The Center is pleased to have 7 students who gave oral presentations:

Xiyue ZhuDiff-Ensembler3D: 3D Networks are Efficient 2D Diffusion Ensemblers for Dense Volume to Volume Translation
Dou Hoon KwarkNCSA (Neural Composite Synthesis Algorithm) for MRI Inpainting
Maxwell LindseyUIUC.Chat – AI Powered Tutoring
Vignesh SrinivasakumarFrom Personalized Education to Scientific Discovery with AI: Rapid Deployment of AI Domain Experts
Pranav KommarajuApplying Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Personalized, Precision-Based Nutritional Monitoring and Guidance
Huzaifa SuriIdentification of Melanoma Risk Factors Using Choroidal Nevi Retinal Images
Wentao YaoDigital Twin Models of Precast Concrete Bridges

CAII is also proud to have 3 sets of students showcasing posters this year:

Poster TitleStudent Names
From Personalized Education to Scientific Discovery with AI: Rapid Deployment of AI Domain ExpertsElisa Carrillo, Shuyi Guo, Qi Long, and Seoyoung Yoon
Evidential Deep Learning for Uncertainty Quantification in DNN Based Jet TaggingXiwei Wang and Ayush Khot
Cloud-based AI Service for Real-Time Actionable Knowledge Extraction from VideoAishwarya Manoj, Amogh Mehta and Tejas Alagiri Kannan